Parish Meetings

The parish meetings are held in the War Memorial Hall in Pilley.

Unless Council should decide otherwise, at least one month in advance of a date to be changed, meetings of the Council shall be held on the second Monday of each month, commencing at 6.30 pm. The meeting in the month of August will be for planning and finance matters only.  Agendas will be sent to each council member and displayed for the public a minimum of three clear days prior to the meeting.

Members of the public are always welcome to attend.

The annual meeting to report on the previous year and look forward to the coming year is normally held in April every year.

Agendas and Minutes





13 Jan 2014 Council Meeting pdfDownload94 KB pdfDownload256 KB
10 Feb 2014 Council Meeting pdfDownload76 KB pdfDownload340 KB
10 Mar 2014 Council Meeting  pdfDownload138 KB
pdfDownload425 KB
17 Mar 2014 Annual Assembly pdfDownload72 KB pdfDownload388 KB
14 Apr 2014 Council Meeting  pdfDownload117 KB pdfDownload374 KB
12 May 2014 Council Meeting  pdfDownload135 KB pdfDownload192 KB
09 Jun 2014 Council Meeting  pdfDownload83 KB pdfDownload178 KB
14 Jul 2014 Council Meeting  pdfDownload83 KB pdfDownload178 KB
11 Aug 2014 Council Meeting  No Meeting Held  No Meeting Held 
08 Sep 2014 Council Meeting  pdfDownload83 KB pdfDownload170 KB
13 Oct 2014 Council Meeting pdfDownload139 KB pdfDownload160 KB
10 Nov 2014 Council Meeting  pdfDownload152 KB pdfDownload148 KB
08 Dec 2014 Council Meeting  pdfDownload158 KB pdfDownload244 KB

Planning Comments

Planning Briefing notices for planning applications within the Parish are sent to the Parish council by the New Forest NPA for comment and require one of the following 5 responses. The numbers below correspond to the "Comment" column for planning decisions shown in the minutes above.

  1. We recommend PERMISSION, for the reasons listed below, but would accept the decision reached by the National Park Authority's Officers under their delegated powers.
  2. We recommend REFUSAL, for the reasons listed below, but would accept the decision reached by the National Park Authority's Officers under their delegated powers.
  3. We recommend PERMISSION, for the reasons listed below.
  4. We recommend REFUSAL, for the reasons listed below.
  5. We are happy to accept the decision reached by the National Park Authority's Officers under their delegated powers.