January 2025
Our first meeting of the year was on Monday 13th January. The council welcomed Cllr Dunning (HCC County Councillor) and Cllr Poole (NFDC District Councillor) to the meeting and they provided an update on Hampshire County Council’s plans for devolution. At present this is still early stages and BPC will share any information we receive with the parish.
Our next meeting is Monday 10th February at 18.30. We welcome public attendance to our meetings.
Parish Councillor Vacancy
Boldre Parish Council has a vacancy for a Parish Councillor. It is a really exciting time at the council, there are some interesting projects for 2025. Please do get in touch if you are interested, or if you would like to be a parish council volunteer and help out informally.
Parish Highways
BPC Highways Report – January 2025
As the winter progresses many issues are re-emerging on the local road network – missing signs, potholes, localised flooding etc. Pilley Street (at Slade Cottages), Rodlease, Boldre Lane have been flooded in recent days – but so far (possibly as a result of the works done last year) the water has flowed away quite quickly.
The Highways Group have been in contact with HCC over a drainage pipe emptying onto Pilley Hill which is likely to cause a number of risks including long term damage to the road surface and skidding in icy conditions. The issue has not been resolved but HCC have been monitoring it, under pressure from local residents.
The Highways Group have corresponded with Councillor Bowerman (HCC Executive Member for Highways) regarding the difficulty of obtaining timely cost information for community traffic management projects. As expected, it appears the system is unwieldy and lacks flexibility – quotes take an inordinately long time to obtain and have very short validity. This is not at all helpful.
Reporting Highways Issues - Please continue to report highways issues – potholes, flooding, damaged signs, hedge encroachment to Hampshire County Council:
HCC have a Mobile App that may be useful – OurHants App is available for Android and Iphone
Recreation Ground
The council would like to remind that both the recreation ground and the play areas are dog free zones. This is to protect our children’s and users of the sports ground health’s.
The order has been placed for further play and sports equipment for older children and adults. Installation of new equipment and a resurface of the basketball court will commence in February.
The project is ongoing, once further funds have been secured, table tennis table and further equipment can be purchased.
BPC have applied for a grant to help fund an outside amphitheatre and play shelter. We should have news on this in March to whether it was successful.
You will have seen the new trees that have been planted. The council has been working closely with Hampshire Forest Partnership and a further eighteen elm trees will be planted at the end of January. We look forward to watching them grow, providing wildlife habitat and shade in the summer months for years to come.
Youth Service Provision
Boldre Parish Council have been approached by another local parish council to register interest in forming a youth service in the Parish. We are excited about the prospect of a youth service as it has been a number of years since a provision was available. The council will be working closely alongside an external body to make this project come to life. If you would be interested in helping grow this project, please do get in touch.
Pavilion and Football pitches
Do you have a group that could use the pavilion for an outside exercise class or use it as a base for some outdoor training? Contact the Clerk with your proposals.
The Pavilion is a great location for an event or a class. There are toilets, showers and a basic kitchen area. Do you have an idea for its use? Are you part of a regular group that could do with an occasional or regular venue?
As the future of football is still uncertain on the recreation ground, thoughts are being given to how the recreation ground as a whole could have alternative recreation uses.
Helping hands
As we go into the Winter season where the days are shorter, the weather is less fortunate and the likelihood of increased illness, we think of vulnerable residents in the Parish.
Do you know of a service that might help with transportation for medical appointments, to local community groups or a service to check in on your neighbour? Can you offer some time to help local vulnerable residents. Please get in touch.
Boldre Parish Clerk – Victoria Thomas
The next full meeting will be Monday 10th February at 18.30