Bridge Report December 2024
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Boldre Parish Council take this opportunity to wish you a very Happy New year and wishes for a prosperous 2025.
Our first meeting of the year will be on Monday 13th January at 18.30. We welcome public attendance to our meetings.
2024 – That’s a wrap
BPC concluded 2024 with an open evening which allowed our amenities team to share a presentation on the proposed new play area. The evening was well attended and refreshments were served.
On the 9th December BPC welcomed representatives from Action Hampshire and NFDC housing department to talk about Rural Affordable Housing schemes and how this might look for the parish. Further work will be undertaken in 2025 on this scheme.
Parish Highways
Reporting Highways Issues –
Please continue to report highways issues – potholes, flooding, damaged signs, hedge encroachment to Hampshire County Council
HCC have a Mobile App that may be useful – OurHants App is available for Android and Iphone
The season for pothole growth is well under-way. Highways Group have been reporting examples across the area. It is disappointing that some of the longstanding ones have not been addressed – a fix becomes more difficult in wet conditions.
Drainage - issues on Warborne Lane and Pilley Hill have been reported to Highways. HCC Officers have agreed to monitor the situation on Pilley Hill (They made a site visit in November after some very dry weather!) Further evidence has been forwarded to HCC.
Heavy Goods Vehicles – continue to be a problem in Portmore (Hundred and School Lanes), resulting in further damage to trees. The ‘Unsuitable for HGVs’ signage on Hundred Lane remains incomplete.
William Gilpin Traffic Management Proposals – The Highways Group have been trying to provide some advice to the group looking to organise the project with an application for CIL money, from NFDC. Unfortunately the ‘full cost recovery model’ that HCC introduced in January 2024 for community traffic schemes is rather unwieldy.
Bridlepath B6 – The Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust have become the proud owners of the B6 Bridleway! (This public right of way runs alongside the Lymington River between the Shallows and Undershore Road and has often been impassable.) We will be meeting with them shortly to explore ways of addressing the issue.
Recreation Ground
The council would like to remind that both the recreation ground and the play areas are dog free zones. This is to protect our children’s and users of the sports ground health’s.
The council has been working closely with Hampshire Forest Partnership and during the months of December and January will be in receipt of a number of new trees, both fruit and elm trees. We look forward to watching them grow, providing wildlife habitat and shade in the summer months.
Is there anything you would like to see at the recreation ground? Do you have any further fundraising ideas? Please get in touch.
Youth Service Provision
Boldre Parish Council have been approached by another local parish council to register interest in forming a youth service in the Parish. We are excited about the prospect of a youth service as it has been a number of years since a provision was available. The council will be working closely alongside an external body to make this project come to life. If you would be interested in helping grow this project, please do get in touch.
Pavilion and Football pitches
Do you have a group that could use the pavilion for an outside exercise class or use it as a base for some outdoor training? Contact the Clerk with your proposals.
The Pavilion is a great location for an event or a class. There are toilets, showers and a basic kitchen area. Do you have an idea for its use? Are you part of a regular group that could do with an occasional or regular venue?
As the future of football is still uncertain on the recreation ground, thoughts are being given to how the recreation ground as a whole could have alternative recreation uses.
Parish Councillor Vacancy
Boldre Parish Council has a vacancy for a Parish Councillor. It is a really exciting time at the council, there are some interesting projects for 2025. Please do get in touch if you are interested, or if you would like to be a parish council volunteer and help out informally.
The Speedwatch team are looking for new volunteers. Do you have any time to give to this worthy cause? Please get in touch.
Helping hands
As we go into the Winter season where the days are shorter, the weather is less fortunate and the likelihood of increased illness, we think of vulnerable residents in the Parish.
Do you know of a service that might help with transportation for medical appointments, to local community groups or a service to check in on your neighbour? Can you offer some time to help local vulnerable residents. Please get in touch.
Boldre Parish Clerk – Victoria Thomas
The next full meeting will be Monday 13th January at 18.30