Meeting Report June 2024

Boldre Parish Council met for its monthly council meeting on 10th June.

Parish Highways

BPC Highways Group – Report June 2024

Community Payback have been working to improve the Shallows Path in May and June. The work has progressed well, so far, despite the weather. Much of the roadway has been revealed, edges strimmed and some drains re-discovered. This is a timely improvement for the summer.

The Boldre Lengthsman and Groundsman have been working on the Benches around the BPC area. Many of the areas around the benches have been strimmed and tidied and three benches have had new wood installed – in Boldre, Royden and Hills Lanes.

Once again good work.

While some of the reported highway defects have been addressed in recent weeks, there remain significant outstanding problems and no sign of longstanding problems on Boldre Lane and Pilley Hill being remedied. Similarly, the promised ‘Unsuitable for HGVs’ signs for Hundred Lane in Portmore have not been installed yet; Hampshire County Council confirm the job is sitting with the contractors.

A cycle accident occurred on Rope Hill on 25th May where a young cyclist hit a pothole in the road which threw her off her bike causing very painful injuries resulting in hospitalisation. Police attended the scene and commented on the road condition. The incident has been reported to Cllr Dunning in the hope it can be elevated to HCC.

Hampshire County Council have appointed a new Cabinet Member with responsibility for Highways and Waste. She is a Conservative Party member from the Emsworth Division in the southeast – Councillor Lulu Bowerman. The previous incumbent Cllr Nick Adams-King has become Leader of HCC.

Please continue to report Road issues to the Highways Authority – Hampshire County Council – search:

Hampshire County Council Report a Problem and select Road Problem

Hampshire also have an App for ‘Phones – OurHants

Recreation Ground Project

Three companies have been approached for quotes and drawings for the older children’s play area. The council will share the plans as soon as they are available.

Is there anything you would like to see at the recreation ground? Do you have any further fundraising ideas? Please get in touch.

Thoughts are being given to how the recreation ground as a whole could have alternative recreation uses. Do you have a group that could use the pavilion for an outside exercise class or use it as a base for some outdoor training? Contact the Clerk with your proposals.

Parish Emergency Incident Plan

The key areas we need to complete are

  • Centre(s) of refuge
  • Key people to act as an ‘Emergency contact list’, ideally one from each Boldre, Pilley, Norley Wood and Portmore areas
  • Knowledge of available local skills and resources – e.g. Trained first aider, 4x4/tractor driver, chainsaw owner, mechanic, water and food supplies
  • Forming a local networks where the community are looking out for and keeping check on the most vulnerable

If you can help with any of these, please get in touch.

An advance message that the Parish Clerk’s office will be closed from Friday 9th August and re-open on Monday 2nd September.

Boldre Parish Clerk – Victoria Thomas

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