Hampshire County Council has around 3500 roadside salt bins located across the highway network and they have been checking and replenishing these in recent weeks.

The bins are filled with a 50:50 mix of salt and grit and this can be freely used by members of the community for de-icing pavements and smaller access roads, and particularly those areas of public highway that are not covered by one of our main salting routes.

Please be aware that it only takes a tablespoon of salt/grit (roughly around 20 grams) to treat one square metre of road or pavement so a full bin can treat a substantial area. If your local salt bin is less than ¾ full and needs refilling through the winter season the quickest way to let us know is via the specific link on our web page at

www.hants.gov.uk/transport/roadmaintenance/severeweather/salting.Thank you for your assistance.